Author: nathan
Eliza’s new ride
Someone loves his new rattle…
Merry Christmas!
Pedro (aka Peter Williamson) has arrived!
Micaela and Nathan are overjoyed to announce the birth of their son, Peter Williamson Freitas. (Eliza is…
Our last week in Thailand
The time just flew by–how is it our last week in Thailand?! After leaving Chiang Mai, we head to Bangkok for a few days, then to Amsterdam, and finally Boston. We are thrilled to be returning home and eager to reconnect with family/friends and start our new life in the states, but also very sad […]
We’re going to the zoo, zoo, zoo!
The Chiang Mai Zoo was really impressive–beautiful grounds just outside the old city that will take us another visit or two to traverse entirely, animals in good condition with adequate room to roam and great thai food (of course). Sorry, Kathmandu Zoo, yours just didn’t compare! The big attraction here in CM are the pandas […]
Chiang Mai Flower Festival
We really enjoyed the annual Flower Festival this past weekend–Nate said it kind of reminded him of the Rose Bowl parade, but with less crowds, no security, and chill and relaxed Thai people. Eliza was enthralled with the beautiful flower floats with contestants from various regions vying to be crowned ‘Miss Chiang Mai’. Marching bands […]
It’s Easy Livin’ in Chiang Mai
We’ve only been in Chiang Mai for about two weeks now but we settled in so quickly that it feels like we’ve been here much longer. This northern Thai city is definitely the most Westernized, clean and touristic place we’ve been to so far on this trip, which explains all the expats wandering about. This […]
36 Hours in Bangkok
We did a very quick stop-over in Bangkok on our way from Kathmandu to Chiang Mai–we’ll be here for the next two months. After our time in rural India and then Kathmandu, it was a bit shocking to arrive in Bangkok and find clean, beautiful highways and so many Western comforts. Um, did we arrive […]
Adventures in Kathmandu
We have been having some fun times in Kathmandu! Visiting temples, walled gardens, organic farms, the zoo, markets, ancient cities, eating incredible local food (King, and just relaxing and enjoying living in a well-appointed house. A Christmas tree was even shipped in from the states for the occasion, and a Nepali Santa made a […]
Three panaromas of Boudha aka “Lord Bhudda”
The Boudha Stuppa in Kathmandu is older than folk stories remember. Walking clockwise kora around it, and…
NYTimes: Chilean Patagonia’s Peaks, Up Close
This is where Micaela and I went many moons ago… but this reporter takes the easy route…
Those aren’t clouds…
Those are some big mountains in the distance!