36 Hours in Bangkok

We did a very quick stop-over in Bangkok on our way from Kathmandu to Chiang Mai–we’ll be here for the next two months. After our time in rural India and then Kathmandu, it was a bit shocking to arrive in Bangkok and find clean, beautiful highways and so many Western comforts.  Um, did we arrive […]

Luka’s 3rd Birthday

Luka loves snakes. He asked Santa for one for Christmas. He got a rubber snake for Christmas, but for his birthday he & his friends got to hold 2 snakes, a gecko and a bearded dragon. A bit different from…

Luka’s 3rd Birthday

Luka loves snakes. He asked Santa for one for Christmas. He got a rubber snake for Christmas, but for his birthday he & his friends got to hold 2 snakes, a gecko and a bearded dragon. A bit different from…

Luka’s 3rd Birthday

Luka loves snakes. He asked Santa for one for Christmas. He got a rubber snake for Christmas, but for his birthday he & his friends got to hold 2 snakes, a gecko and a bearded dragon. A bit different from…

Adventures in Kathmandu

We have been having some fun times in Kathmandu!  Visiting temples, walled gardens, organic farms, the zoo, markets, ancient cities, eating incredible local food (King Curd.is.the.best), and just relaxing and enjoying living in a well-appointed house.  A Christmas tree was even shipped in from the states for the occasion, and a Nepali Santa made a […]

Hello world!

Great to see Freitas.net back online. Lets get everyone on board and sharing with us non-facebook folks!

Eliza visits the Kathmandu Boudha at the full moon

Hello from Kathmandu, Nepal. We will have a more full update soon, but we wanted to share some photos of Eliza’s visit to the Boudha Stupa during the recent full moon. When you are in a lunar calendar culture, the state of the moon has much more meaning than whether or not one should be […]