Some fun in the sun

A few more pictures from the last few weeks…post-monsoon, the weather has been incredible!  We’re trying to explore and be out and about as much as possible before the cold sets in.  The peaks above us are already covered with snow and there is a chill in the air, but I’m so not ready to […]

After the Monsoon… Autumn in India!

We have moved into the fall here, and have really enjoyed being out and about during the warm late September and October. It is a small respite between endless rains and muggy summer, and the frigid winter that is to come. Being out more, means running into more animals in the wild, as they too […]

August in Ireland

A blast from the past which seems like so long ago now, but finally some pictures from our Ireland trip in August! We decided to break up the long flight from NYC –> Delhi with a two-week stopover in Ireland with Grandma Dede.  We rented two farmhouses–one in the rolling sheep pastures just outside of […]

The Nepal and India Freitas Families Unite!

We were thrilled to have a visit from Uncle David, Auntie Miyoko and sweet cousin Marisa.  The Freitas/Koike family is posted in Nepal for two years for David’s job with the Foreign Service.  I can’t tell you how nice it was to visit with family on this side of the world!  Eliza and Marisa had […]