Message me on Keybase

I’ve started using Keybase Chat, and I am really enjoying it. It combines Slack and Dropbox, with end-to-end encryption, all without needing a phone number or “real name”. Send me a message and say hello!

At Keybase we collectively use and love WhatsApp, Signal, Slack, and iMessage, to name a few. However, in all those apps: recipients are looked up by phone number or email.That works ok with friends and coworkers.But it sucks with people you know on the Internet. First off, they have to give you their phone number in a preliminary back and forth. That takes time and prevents you from sending your message until you hear back.Then, to make sure you’re really secure, you’re supposed to compare special codes by meeting in person. That’s impossible in most cases.Keybase is different. For example, in Keybase chat, I can simply use my Hacker News name, malgorithms, as my secure address; no phone number or email needed. My Twitter username would work, too. Or even my Reddit username.

Source: Introducing Keybase Chat

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