Here’s my top 10 reasons why Rhinobird eats Meerkat for lunch…

Here’s my top 10 reasons why eats Meerkat for lunch… (not to mention clouds up Periscope too…)

Here’s my top 10 reasons about why Rhinobird eats Meerkat for lunch… (not to mention clouds up Periscope too…)

Read on, or watch the archive of my live reading of this here:
or download the WEBM here:

1) No App For That: You don’t need an app! Just use your Chrome, Firefox or other WebRTC-enabled browser on PC, Mac, Linux or Android (and soon iPhone…)

2) Most Mobile: It works great on Android, which is the mobile platform most of the connected world (China + India) actually uses…

3) Shortest Path to Video: It’s the fastest way to record a video post for your site or blog… just go live, and then seconds later, you have a permalink to a downloadable/embeddedable WebM video you can post anywhere!

4) Open Motion: It uses WebM, one of the only truly free and open video formats:

5) Here’s to Peers!: If you have a lot of people on the same network watching a stream, the live stream quality is really great, since it can connect peer-to-peer between viewers.

6) Run Your Own: Like with WordPress, if you really love, but want your own site and video archive, you can run your own server anywhere you want! (aka its open-source and on github!)

7) ¡se habla español! If you are doing anything with web video and live streaming in any Spanish-speaking context, then the RB team speaks your language… and considering the peer-to-peer video support, maybe RB is the perfect platform for Cubans to connect with eachother!

8) Any Name You Choose: I have it on good word that you can livestream on Rhinobird without even using a valid email address… a nice private disposable way to broadcast live without any sort of real name or permanent identifiers…

9) So Much To Come: Rhinobird is about way more than just watching a single livestream… the Channel functionality and VJ’ing (soon to come) are really brilliant innovations whose time will come once the community scales up.

10) Felipe’s Typewriter: Loyalty still counts for something right? Felipe is one of us, and at the beginning of every successful service there is always a core group of influential people who decide to support something. I’ve chose to support RB, and I hope you do too.

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