Our Lady of Fatima visited Northern California

We had an amazing experience last evening – there has been a statue of the Virgin Mary as she appeared in Fatima, Portugal that has been traveling around the world since l947.  This past month, more than a dozen churches around Sacramento held special hours so locals could come visit, pray, get blessings, etc.  On Sunday, Feb. 17, we went to St. Elizabeth’s Church in downtown Sacramento (it is known as the Portuguese Church around here) and participated for 4 hours in several events including a candle light procession around a few blocks near the church.  The statue is beautiful with eyes that appear to be real and full of tears.  It is carried by four men with satin jackets on just like our St. Peter statue is during our Festa.  It was truly a beautiful event. If it is ever in your area, make time to go see it.   More information can be found at the website  www.pilgrimvirginstatue.com.

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